Hypnosis downloads
The therapy room isn't for everyone. Whether you are just starting out with hypnosis or a seasoned hypnosis track downloader there a range of tracks here to help you find balance and clarity in life. My tracks for hypnobirthing were so popular my author page for penguin sat in the top 10 author pages globally!

Take a deep breath in, and then breathe out.
You are in safe hands. I am a hypnotherapist with over 15 years experience, and I'm a writer with voice training and a masters degree in languages and symbolism. It's the perfect combination of training for a hypnosis track.
My tracks are calming, soothing and impactful. If you listen to them before you go to sleep at night the likelihood is that you will also have a great nights sleep.
Every single track is curated based on what I have learned from my clients and training.
I don't just cut and paste inductions on the front of the track. Each track has been thought about and written from a deeply intuitive place.
The words are chosen carefully.
General Hypnosis Downloads
A wide range of tracks these are all sets of tracks for a specific change. Take a look, and if I haven't got what you need let me know!

Intuitive Weight Loss and Motivation £19.50
Do you have a weight-loss goal and want some motivation? Do you want to start meeting your goals without even trying? Get on track, and stay on track. Lighter, fitter, healthier, stronger? These tracks will unlock the inner healthy you and set you free from habits that have been holding you back.

Daily Calm £19.50
If you find you are quick to anger, tearful, restless, demotivated these tracks will help ease that. Listen to these tracks regularly if you feel things are spiralling and it will help you feel calmer and more confident. It works by emptying your mind all the small stresses you can hang onto. This will make you feel calmer and help you focus on what is important right now, today.

Sleep and Rest 19.50
Do you worry about sleep? Are you awake in the night scrolling your phone? Worrying about how you're going to feel the next day? This track is for you. You can listen to it to help go to sleep, or to calm your mind and return to sleep in the middle of the night or early morning. Say goodbye to sleepless nights and exhaustion.
Pregnancy birth and early parenting hypnosis audio
An amazing range of tracks tailored for different challenges you may meet. They help you build confidence with very specific language tailored to that aspect of birth preparation. If what you need isn't here let me know.

£19.50 (set of tracks)
Helps start labour by reducing worry or anxiety and keeping that oxytocin high in the final weeks of pregnancy, or during an induction. It includes a long track that you listen to before you go to bed, a set of affirmations and a general relaxation track that can also be used by your partner and after birth as well. You'll get supporting tips, videos and hypnosis tools to help you have a positive experience.

£19.50 (set of tracks)
If you are worried about the strength of your scar, position of baby or not sure if your body can really do it, and don't believe the "trust in your body" in many hypnobirthing tracks this is great. These tracks will create an inner sense of confidence and calm that your body can do it, and you'll be ok if it doesn't. You'll get lots of extra material, hypnosis tips and videos to support you on your VBAC journey and help you to have a positive experience. From one VBAC mum to another...you can do this!

Calm and Confident Caesarean
£19.50 (set of tracks)
Do you want to create a loving space for your baby to born into. Do you want to let go of fear and make it a beautiful and memorable day? The hypnosis tracks that come with this include confidence tracks and healing imagery specifically for a caesarean birth. I've also included a general relaxation one for when after your baby is born. You'll also get some hints and video tips that help you feel equipped and prepared for a positive experience, feeling connected with your baby.

Hypnobirthing Super Bundle
Bored of listening to the same ones over and over? There are over 10 tracks, that build confidence, manage pain, connect you with your inner resources. There are gorgeous guided meditations, with powerful hypnotic suggestion layered on a track of calming music.

Have a go at hypnobirthing bundle
Four tacks to get you started, and to see if hypnobirthing is for you. If you were like me when I first stumbled across hypnobirthing, a little apprehensive, then this is for you. You can always upgrade to the full course at a later date if you love it.

Hypnobirthing without music
It may be personal choice, or it may be for religious or cultural reasons that you need to listen to hypnobirthing tracks without music. Some people also like to overlay the tracks onto their own music, you can do this provided they are for your own use.

Hypnosis Breech Turn
Are you worried about breech birth? Did you know that hypnosis tracks can focus on turning your baby head down? Several studies show that hypnosis can be very effective in helping breech babies turn, in one study over 80% of babies whose mothers used hypnosis. Get started today!