"I went into labour confident and happy and I had a beautiful experience...it has changed my life".

The online course from the international bestseller


Discover just how incredible your mind is, and how you can use it to reduce anxiety, believe you can do it and have a positive experience.

Do you want to
  • tackle anxiety  
  • believe that you can do it
  • turn down and manage pain with powerful tools designed by a hypnotherapist
  • calmly make decisions that support the birth YOU want
  • explore a course founded on science
  • have everything you need for any type of birth - including sections on induction, and caesarean
  • do a course delivered by an experienced hypnotherapist and birth doula who has attended over 30 births and helped over 100,000 women.
  • feel supported all the way through by a teacher that you know will answer your questions in an exclusive group
  • do a course that has the option to do on your own OR with a partner
  • Have access to an incredible range of audio tracks for any situation (and if it's not there ask, and it will appear!)

If your answer is "Yes" then this course is for you. 



Mindful Hypnobirthing 

Start today and get on course for a positive birth.  

Everything included for just


  • 9 easy to navigate modules with clear actions
  • 30 Mindful Hypnobirthing audio tracks
  • 41 subtitled videos with Sophie Fletcher
  • 40 page workbook and journal
  • 14 birth bag visuals
  • 24 downloadable practice cards
  • birth partner support
  • online facebook community
  • once a month online Mindful Hypnobirthing Masterclass
  • downloadable android and apple mobile app 
  • bonus section on interventions such as Caesarean birth and induction
  • specialist tracks support multiple birth and VBAC 
Start Now

This is the original Mindful Hypnobirthing course taught by Sophie Fletcher, 20+ years experience as a hypnotherapist and doula...


 You'll learn:

  • how to stay calm, confident and in control with self-hypnosis and mindfulness 
  • to let go of any fear and set your intention for a positive birth
  • how to get your mind and body in your birthing zone and stay in it
  • to understand how to use movement and positioning for a quicker birth
  • to create your hypnobirth preferences and make informed choices
  • how to use anchors to create a calming birth space  
  • how to apply mindfulness and self-hypnosis to the different stages of birth
  • how your partner can be involved and support you

You'll get: 

  • 9 modules with recommended actions for you and  your partner
  • 41 subtitled videos explaining the key concepts and guiding your through the course content
  • 30 gorgeous guided meditation and hypnosis tracks for many  scenarios from VBAC to twin births
  • 8 powerful self-hypnosis and mindfulness tools including how to write personal affirmations and use anchoring an app so that everything is on your phone or tablet
  • a 40 page mindful hypnobirthing workbook and journal 
  • birth bag visual guide with 14 graphics to remind you of the key techniques on the day
  • a set of 24 beautiful practice cards aligned with the course and which are only available here
  • access to a once a month online drop in with Sophie Fletcher
  • there is a bonus module on using the tools for interventions such as induction and caesarean with tracks tracks tailored to these.

Hi, I'm Sophie


I'm the bestselling author of three books, a hypnotherapist and doula with 20+ years experience. 

Over 20 years ago, I was where you are now. Pregnant. After a difficult first birth I really wanted my second to be different and better.

I stumbled upon hypnobirthing. Hypnosis would have never even crossed my mind but I thought "what have I got to lose". 

What I learned blew me away. I trained as a hypnotherapist in 2005, then broadened my work to include mindfulness after attending a retreat with Thich Nhat Hanh.  I created Mindful Hypnobirthing  and have since trained midwives, doctors, psychologists and doulas to teach my techniques. 

After being asked to attend births, I trained as a doula with the world renowned obstetrician Michel Odent. I've now supported over 30 women at their births and seen first-hand the power of Mindful Hypnobirthing.

I'm a Fellow of the National Council for Hypnotherapy, a guest lecturer and a regular speaker at international conferences on how hypnosis tools can be used during major life changes.  


Mindful Hypnobirthing 

Start today and get on course for a positive birth.  

Everything included for just


  • 9 easy to navigate modules with clear actions
  • 30 Mindful Hypnobirthing audio tracks
  • 41 subtitled videos with Sophie Fletcher
  • 40 page workbook and journal
  • 14 birth bag visuals
  • 24 downloadable practice cards
  • birth partner support
  • online facebook community
  • once a month online Mindful Hypnobirthing Masterclass
  • downloadable android and apple mobile app 
  • bonus section on interventions such as Caesarean birth and induction
  • specialist tracks support multiple birth and VBAC 
Start Now


30 Mindful Hypnobirthing Tracks


In this course you get unique tracks with a mix of long gentle hypnotic relaxations (around 20mins), and shorter tracks (around 5 mins) which really embed the self-hypnosis and mindfulness techniques quickly and easily so they work effectively  without you even having to think about it. 

There is a even a 90 minute long labour remix which will keep you in a deeply relaxed during the birth. 

"Worth it for the tracks alone!"

Meadow Relaxation
Listen to a sample


Videos showing you how to use the tools

41 videos explaining the key concepts and guiding you through the course content

  • short 
  • engaging 
  • reassuring
  • subtitled

After these videos you'll already be feeling more confident, equipped with tools to manage anxiety, pain, or overwhelm. 


That make it easy for you

Like to be organised? 

  • downloadable workbook and journal with easy to navigate actions for you and your partner
  • set of 24 practice cards that you can download.  Just pick one a day and you'll have done your practice 
  • birth bag visuals for the day 

You have everything you need, organised and set up in an easy to learn format. (Those with toddlers and busy lives will thank me!)


Someone by your side

I like to be accessible.  Here to  answer your questions, you will felt held as you go through your pregnancy. Then through your birth my voice on the audio tracks can guide you. Here's how you can contact me if you have a question about techniques or have a question about something that isn't in the course. 

  • facebook group and community support
  • once a month masterclass where you can come in go over the foundation techniques and ask questions
  • book an 1 hour session with a Mindful Hypnobirthing practitioner (additional cost at a reduced rate)

With this in place you can be sure that you can feel confident that this course can provide you with the tools, resources, and support to feel 100% prepared. 

Everyone can do hypnobirthing, including you! Whatever birth you choose to have, you CAN make it a positive experience. There are tools for caesarean births, VBAC, and even induction. Hypnosis is amazing, it changed my life, not just my birth - and it can change yours too.


Mindful Hypnobirthing 

Start today and get on course for a positive birth.  

Everything included for just


  • 9 easy to navigate modules with clear actions
  • 30 Mindful Hypnobirthing audio tracks
  • 41 subtitled videos with Sophie Fletcher
  • 40 page workbook and journal
  • 14 birth bag visuals
  • 24 downloadable practice cards
  • birth partner support
  • online facebook community
  • once a month online Mindful Hypnobirthing Masterclass
  • downloadable android and apple mobile app 
  • bonus section on interventions such as Caesarean birth and induction
  • specialist tracks support multiple birth and VBAC 
Start Now